captcha drupal 9


As of my last update in September 2021, Drupal 9 does not have built-in support for CAPTCHA out of the box. However, you can easily add CAPTCHA functionality to your Drupal 9 site by using contributed modules. CAPTCHA is a common method used to distinguish between bots and human users, helping to prevent spam and abuse on your website's forms.

Here are the steps to implement CAPTCHA on your Drupal 9 site:

1. Install Drupal: If you haven't already, download and install Drupal 9 on your web server. You can find the latest version of Drupal from the official Drupal website (

2. Install Required Modules: After setting up Drupal, you'll need to install a few contributed modules to enable CAPTCHA functionality. The essential modules for this purpose are:

- reCAPTCHA: This module integrates Google's reCAPTCHA service into your Drupal site. It provides various CAPTCHA types, including image-based challenges, "I'm not a robot" checkboxes, and invisible CAPTCHA.

- CAPTCHA: This module adds CAPTCHA support to various forms on your Drupal site, including user registration, login, password recovery, contact forms, and more.

You can download these modules from the official Drupal website or use Composer to manage the dependencies.

3. Configure reCAPTCHA API: To use the reCAPTCHA module, you need to obtain API keys from the Google reCAPTCHA website. Go to and sign up for an account (if you don't have one). Once you're logged in, you can create a new site and get the required keys (site key and secret key).

4. Enable Modules: After downloading and installing the reCAPTCHA and CAPTCHA modules, enable them on your Drupal site. You can do this by navigating to "Extend" in the Drupal administration menu and enabling the corresponding modules.

5. Configure CAPTCHA Settings: After enabling the modules, configure the CAPTCHA settings. Navigate to "Configuration" > "People" > "CAPTCHA" to set up the CAPTCHA options for user registration and other forms.

6. Configure reCAPTCHA: Go to "Configuration" > "Web services" > "reCAPTCHA" to enter your reCAPTCHA API keys obtained earlier. Configure the CAPTCHA types and styles according to your preferences.

7. Test the CAPTCHA: Once you've set up everything, test the CAPTCHA on various forms across your website to ensure it's functioning correctly.

Keep in mind that the Drupal ecosystem and modules can evolve over time, so it's a good idea to check for updates and review the official documentation for the modules you use to ensure you have the latest information and best practices.